Thought I’d share one of the things I bought for myself this weekend.
It used to be a fan. See the notch out of the bottom? The wooden fan handle was stapled there. I thought they might enjoy living next door to these young girls I already have.
I just don’t know how to frame the oddly shaped fan so that it will coordinate with the picture I already have. And, the colors are so very different. Hmmmm…. Any suggestions?
A little history on the picture that is already on the wall. The print was a very large, and very damaged, rectangle. Much larger than what is shown. So much of it had to be cut away. It cost a whopping dollar. Or maybe not even that. It’s been a long time now. The frame, however? $75.00!!!! I took it to the local photography studio. My cousin, even. And that’s how much it cost. I’m thinking I can do better with the newest one now that Hobby Lobby and Michael’s are not so very far away.