My Etsy and eBay sales report for November……..
Things are still looking up on Etsy and I’m beginning to put some things on eBay as well. Working on that Stash O’ Stuff! If only I were faster. But I’m not, so I do what I can.
There are a few things to watch for in the following list. Things I’ll buy over and over again.
**All links on this post are “affiliate” links. That simply means that if you click on one and end up buying something on Etsy (or eBay) within a day or so I’ll get a tiny percent of that sale. Things like that help me to keep blogging and I appreciate every click! Rest assured, I will never know if you clicked or not.**
Etsy Sales For November:
The total sales amount for Etsy was $581.00. My total cost for the items was $29.00. Gotta love that ROI.
This was passed up at one of our estate sales. It just seemed like it had to come home with me. It’s hard to tell anything about it in the picture. I can’t take a good picture of clear glass to save my life! He’s a penguin and you fill him up with nuts or small candies, then tip him so that they fall out into your hand. He’s a People Feeder!
Glass Penguin People Feeder
Green Metallic Dress Trim
Here’s a BOLO (Be On the Lookout) for you. Vintage flip clocks. Remember them? The numbers flipped over. You can usually find them cheap and they sell well. This is the first one I sold in November. (The picture has reflections on the face of the clock.)
GE Flip Clock
It used to be I would have passed these guys up. Even listing them, I had my doubts, but they sold. For more than I would have ever dreamed. I’m betting they’ll be part of a Christmas vignette.
Pair Of Brass Deer
These were left over at one of our estate sales and Tiffany talked me into getting them. I liked them, very much, but wasn’t sure they’d sell. They did stay around awhile but found their home.
Set Of Hand Made, Fabric, Applique Bridge Tallies
Another BOLO. Do you know what these wire, star looking things are? I’ve always liked the look and have bought at least one before thinking to add to my craft supplies, but now I know. They’re heat spreader grids for Pyrex! And have value!
Pyrex Heat Spreader Grids
I actually gambled and paid $10.00 for this. I know nothing about fountain pens except that some are valuable. The condition of this one kept it from being very desirable, but I still did okay.
Carmine Sheaffer Fountain Pen
3 Vintage Turkey Candles
Incomplete set of Epic stainless. Danish modern, made in Japan. Lasted less than a month. Always give anything Danish Modern in style a good “think.” Maybe slip off and do some quick research, but if that’s not practical and the price is right, buy, buy, buy!
Epic Stainless Flatware
These weren’t bought at one of our estate sales. I thought they were adorable! There were 6 of them. Not a big sale, but I’m glad they found a home. They were just too cute!
6 Farmer’s Market Paper Bags
This had been around awhile, then I let it rest a few months before relisting. I never looked to see what a horrible picture it was!
Yo-Yo Pillow Top Square
Yet another item no one bought at one of our estate sales. It could have been had for 50¢! (And another…. less than my best…. picture.)
Carlsbad Caverns Souvenir Light Box
I don’t have many vintage clothes listed and they’re not a fast seller for me, and I don’t like photographing them or writing descriptions, but that’s not going to stop me from buying when I find them. I actually still have a bunch I haven’t got to yet, too.
Black and White Donovan Galvani Knit Top Still With Tags
If I remember right, these were left over at one of our estate sales as well.
Vernonware Organdie Plaid Tumblers
These were from my parents’, so no expense for me. They sold in less than a month.
Vintage Borghese Eagle Bookends
Second flip clock for the month. Different brand this time. It was pretty beat up but worked fine. Sold in about a week.
Timex Flip Clock
I’ve been buying these woven, raffia trivets for a couple of years now. Saw a project on Pinterest where someone had sewed them together to make a rug. I finally admitted I’d never get around to doing that, not to mention they probably wouldn’t hold up very well as a rug, so I divided them up and created several listings. The next day, someone asked if I’d cut her a deal if she bought them all. Why, yes. Yes I would. The picture just shows one listing, but she got a total of 27 trivets.
By the way. Did you know these are a BOLO? You can generally get at least $5.00 each for them. List 3 or 4 together. That’s usually the way you’ll find them at the sales, anyway.
27 Woven Raffia Trivets
$85.00 (It was actually $95.00, but I paid shipping.)
This was from my parents’.
But I do have a Wish Book story. I was at an estate sale a few years ago that had a bunch of old Wish Books. Of course, I bought them. While I was in line to pay, I overheard a couple of ladies across the room talking about how much stuff was at the sale. “They didn’t throw anything away,” they said. “Did you see all those old catalogs? Who would want those?!” I just smiled to myself, the cha-chings going off in my head. Those ladies were obviously casual shoppers who had never been to an estate sale. Probably neighbors. (And would be shocked and appalled to see how much stuff they, themselves, have if it was all laid out for sale.)
1991 Sears Wish Book
This fabulous barkcloth pillow cover sold in less than 24 hours. Lucky buyer! It’s got to be one my favorite things I’ve sold.
Tropical Scene Barkcloth Pillow Cover
I’ve sold these mushroom mugs before. The first set of 4 I got was left over at one of our estate sales. So this past summer another sale we were conducting had 12 of the same mugs. I just went ahead and bought them at the price we would have normally put on them. We rarely buy before the sale. Everybody thinks we do and we’ve even had people tell us we should, they wouldn’t blame us, etc., but we don’t. Oh, we might buy some wax paper or something like that, but rarely buy anything good or anything that we know our customers will want. This was an exception for me, although they did pass up those others at that other sale, so they might not have bought these either.
I still have eight of these left.
Set of 4 Thermo-Serv Mushroom Mugs
I always think of these glasses as Christmas glasses. I guess because of the “open sleigh.” These took awhile to sell. I believe I’ll pass the next time I see a set of these.
4 Anchor Hocking Transportation Zombie Glasses
I called this brass and now I’m not so sure! The thought occurred to me after I had put it out for the mail carrier. I ran out there to get it and take another look and it was already gone. I wonder now if it was lead! It might come back to me.
Vintage Surveyor’s Plumb Bob
November eBay sales:
Total eBay sales for November were $250.00. Total cost? I’m not sure. $2.00 I know, but I can’t remember how much the bracelet originally cost.
Do you remember the vintage Dunes casino playing cards I sold for $275.00 on Etsy back in August? Etsy link or blog post link. Well, this incomplete pack and extras were bought at the same time. (My total cost for all: $2.00) I didn’t know what to ask for these incomplete packs. The red deck was missing one card, there were only 4 blue cards and an empty blue box. So I finally got the courage to put them on auction on eBay, starting them at $9.99. They sold for $192.50. Sold to someone in South Korea. It was not an easy peasy international sale and reminded me why I don’t normally sell internationally, but that should be a whole blog post of its own. It eventually had a happy ending. The buyer is happy and I’m happy.
Incomplete Packs Vintage Dunes Playing Cards
We gave this Brighton bracelet to my late stepmother for Christmas a few years ago. I ran across it when we cleaned out my dad’s house. I don’t wear this type jewelry and figured I could put it on eBay.
Brighton Bracelet
Listed for $45.00
Took best offer of $32.50
I think I’ve mentioned before I always buy genealogies and local histories. They’ve been packed away, but I’m beginning to get them out there for sale. Here’s one that sold within an hour of listing it.
Kith and Kin Of the Darke-Dark Clan In America Supplement
If you’re still here reading, thank you! I don’t often get to do a long sales post.
Were your sales good in November? Do you think it was the whole Christmas shopping thing going on? I wonder what December will bring? December can easily go either way. People shopping for vintage gifts or only shopping retail for new gifts. Time will tell.
I love it when you pin!
Wanda, what a fascinating report this time! I had no idea about those clocks, but I’ll definitely keep an eye out for those. The straw trivets I knew about…and you got an awesome price for them!! The playing cards too! Wow, what a price, but I know they were a tremendous headache too.
What a surprise about the genealogy book…I have several around here that never did anything. Maybe I should try again.
I wouldn’t have looked twice at the mushroom mugs, so good job on those & when you get ready to sell the next set.
Total surprise about the Wish Books & the brass deer!
In fact, so many were total surprises…the Pyrex trivets, the Danish mod flatware, the Carlsbad Caverns thing. Love the yo-yo thing. Not really a surprise about the fountain pen. Have heard those can be desirable, but really know nothing about them.
Looks like you had a great month! I’ll be doing mine next weekend.
Hi Wanda, Thank you so much for sharing your sale reports – this helps me so much with my booth. I started my booth ~10 years ago to gain experience for when I retire. Experience I have gained but with a full time job not much time. I really appreciate you sharing your sales report which encourages me to keep going and also to open an Etsy which I have been wanting to do this for about a year now to supplement my booth earnings. Thanks again and looking forward to future reports.
Thanks for stopping by, Ann! I always wonder if anyone cares about these reports since people are too busy comment much these days. December in the booth is doing pretty well for me. Hope it is for you as well. And may 2018 be a banner year for us all!
[…] sure they could have been had for a dollar or less. On the other hand, that same sale had the Timex flip clock for $1.50 that sold for $20.00. So maybe my fears are […]