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Booth Sales for July 2018

Vintage booth sales report for July 2018

July? Not great again for booth sales. We didn’t go in the hole this time but didn’t make any money either. Again, I blame no one but us. There hasn’t been enough furniture there for the amount of rent we pay and I haven’t been working the display. It looks tired. I wonder how we sold anything at all? 

I’m realizing I’m spread much too thin and working on cutting back. There will be more about that later. But the booth isn’t going anywhere.

Here are the booth sales for July 2018. Most of the pictures are pretty crummy. My apologies.

I’m starting to downsize my McCoy flowerpot collection. I hung onto every single one for years because I didn’t know which ones I had picked up from yard sales and which ones were my mother’s. Most of which she also picked up at yard sales. Still I was afraid of getting rid of the ones I grew up with. But if I didn’t know the difference, what did it matter?? So I decided to only keep my favorites. This one didn’t make the cut.

White McCoy flowerpot

White McCoy Flowerpot

I bought two bar stools at one of the 2 local yard sales that have been any good this summer. (I’m really missing my old, small town sales!) One of the stools sold last month? I believe? This one sold in July.

Blue Bar Stool

Bar Stool

Conch shells always seem to sell pretty well for me. The Italian pottery egret was my mother’s. I hated to get rid of it, but it simply didn’t fit the decor of the previous house or the current one and probably not any future house. The nightstand was Erin’s. She bought and painted it. So I owe her some money.

June 2018 booth sales

Conch shell:

Italian pottery egret:

Painted and distressed nightstand:

I had two of these milk glass bud vases. Had them on Etsy and in the blog shop for quite awhile before taking them to the booth. I thought they were perfect for weddings. I guess nobody found them online. Or maybe there was too much competition. One sold in the booth – probably not even for a wedding. The other is still waiting for its new home.

Pair of Chrysanthemum Imperial milk glass bud vases

One milk glass bud vase

This wicker magazine basket was found recently at a local yard sale. It didn’t take long at all to sell. The low price might have had something to do with that.

Wicker magazine basket

Wicker magazine basket

This rose painting inexplicably went unnoticed for some time. In more than one booth, too! If I used more blue in my decor I would have kept it myself.  

Pink roses painting

Pink Rose Painting

Just a painted picture frame. Nothing particularly special or interesting about it. Notice the clever and ingenious way it was displayed. Ha! That’s how much time I haven’t spent in the booth. It’s a shame that all I could come up with was hang it on a nail that was already in the wall. Right over a dirty spot. Sigh.

Painted picture frame

Vintage painted picture frame

I bought this little rocker about 30 years ago at an out of town estate sale on Labor Day. I remember it cost $15 or $20. I had to think long and hard about spending that much money on something but bit the bullet and did it. I had planned to put a needlepoint seat in it. It went into our bedroom and I never touched it except to pile clothes on it. Amazing how I can look at something every single day for 30 years and always think I need to reupholster the seat and do something to the finish. The rooms in the new house are so large, the little rocker got lost. Time for it to go to a new, loving home. I hope the new owner gives it the love and attention it deserves.

Small Ladies' Rocking Chair

Small rocking chair
$20.00 (I didn’t make anything off this.)

I made some sheet music rolls a few months ago and put $1.00 each on them. The very next day someone bought all of them. I finally got around to making more but they didn’t get the same love as the first ones. I sell one, yes ONE, every now and then. Why would someone want only one?? Surely it’s not to see how I made it. I mean, that’s pretty obvious. What do you do with one sheet music roll? Is there something I need to know about? What am I missing?

Sheet music rolls

Single sheet music roll

We got two old corner what-not shelves when we bought the remains of an estate last summer. Plans were to paint them, but I needed something, quickly, in the booth to sit smalls on, so took them as is. This one sold.

Corner what-not shelves

Corner what-not shelves

No story about this next item. I don’t even know where it came from unless it was from that same estate sale as the shelves above. 

Green pedestal planter

Green pedestal planter

Another of Erin’s items, this chair she distressed and recovered.

Distressed chair with linen upholstery

Distressed chair upholstered in linen
Originally priced $62.00
Sold with 10% discount for $52.80

Not pictured:

Vintage pink floral tablecloth — 27.00
Old dresser mirror of Erin’s with missing side mirror and decorative pieces — $16.00
Small, pink floral, Austrian dish — $1.00
6 cans of paint

How did your July go? Was it slow or were you selling like gangbusters? Here’s hoping for a stellar August and rest of the year. Maybe with school starting back, we can all settle down to a routine and the shoppers will be chompin’ at the bits.

Vintage booth sales report for July 2018

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