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Easter’s over, but we still have eggs ~~ Decorating with bird’s nests

Most of us all have the same love affair with nests and eggs. We’ve had a dove’s nest in the same spot for several years. They come back every year and build on top of the old nest. The problem was that it was under the porch, the area we’re taking in for my craft room. So, once the babies flew, we took their home down. We’ll try to put something up near there that they might like to nest in next year.

I dumped out all the… uh… dove mess… and brought it in and placed it in a silver pedestal. Put in a couple of eggs from the basket I bought at the estate sale a few weeks ago, a paper butterfly and an old graphic.

It makes me happy when I see it.

The paper butterflies are so easy to make, too! Just fold a piece of paper and cut the shape. I saw it on somebody’s blog and of course, can’t remember whose.

I missed a day or two of reading blogs as they showed up in my reader and have been struggling for a week to catch up! It’s so hard to catch up when you have to do things like sleep! But I don’t want to miss anything so I’m at least clicking on all the blogs and looking at the pictures. Forgive me if I don’t leave a comment. Apparently, the longer I sit and read, the less I’m inclined to talk. But catch up I will. And will vow not to let it happen again. Ha! As if I can keep that promise to myself.

6 thoughts on “Easter’s over, but we still have eggs ~~ Decorating with bird’s nests

  1. Oh how beautiful!!! I love your vignette!!

  2. I agree! Great vignette! Those butterflies are really cool! Vanna

  3. This is a beautiful setup. So springy and fun. I too love the paper butterfly wings.

  4. I had a friend give me an abandoned never used birdnest and some abandoned blue eggs. I keep them in my craft cottage, had out on the porch, but I think they will keep better inside.
    I love that butterfly so cute. I know I’m going to love your blog!!!

  5. Oh, how pretty! You did a lovely job on it!

  6. Love these little butterflies! so sweet!

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