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December Booth Sales Report 2017

December Sales Report 2017

Thanks to a table and benches selling, we did okay in the booth in December. It accounted for about half the sales, so that means a lot of smalls sold as well. Interestingly, most of the Christmas decorations sold the week after Christmas — and there was NO sale going on. Here is the booth sales report:

First off:

This old, metal lamp base. I love to use them as candle stands, although the candle I had sitting on this one was not an appropriate size. Also in this picture — the gold candlestick was found broken and they credited me a whole penny for it. Yay. Annnnddd there’s a bottle of something from somebody else’s booth that wasn’t moved when I took this picture. 

Lamp Base Candle Holder

I must have been in a hurry the day I took some of these pictures. (Of course I was in a hurry. I’m always in a hurry.) The bowl isn’t turned around where you can see the apples.

Watt Apple Bowl

Watt Apple Bowl

Someone must have been getting ready to bake. This dough cutter was from my parents’.

Dough Cutter

Dough Cutter

These farm tables and benches continue to sell well for us. If Ricky could just get back in the shop to make them!

Farm Table and Benches

Farm Table and 2 Benches
Priced $585, but the buyer took a 10% discount for a total of $526.00

The snowman bell standing behind the Santa bell that the arrow is pointing to (Santa did not sell) and the roly-poly Santa on the shelf below. The bells had belonged to my stepmother and the roly-poly Santa was from my collection.

Snowman and Santa Christmas Bells

Snowman Bell
Roly Poly Santa

I had this quilt packed away for a few years.  It was a “War Quilt”, a quilt made of heavy woolens dating to WWI and definitely had condition issues. It sold the last of the month when all the cold weather came through. As you’ll see further down, it’s not the only quilt sold this month. Wish I’d had more quilts there now! Wonder if I even have any more quilts to sell??

Also sold this brass spittoon. We got it when we bought the remains of an estate back in the summer. It’s a reproduction of one that says…… something….. on the side. I can’t remember what, though. Sorry.

War Quilt and Brass Spittoon


Brass Spittoon
War Quilt

This pink, Oriental planter belonged to my parents’ too. I don’t remember if it was from the time in the ’80’s my mother hired an interior decorator or if it was my stepmother’s decorating addition. But I think it was the former. Stepmother wasn’t a “pink” person. Momma wasn’t either, but the decorator was.

Pink Oriental Planter

Pink Oriental Planter

One pair of wire-rim glasses. Which one?? Who knows! I believe, but could be mistaken, these came from the estate we bought last summer, too.

Bowl of wire-rim glasses

Pair of Wire-Rim Glasses

Two of these Santa boot planters. I decided to try to sell my collection, more were added after this picture — and only 2 sold. I’m not sure which two.

Vintage Santa Boot Planters 

Santa Boot
Santa Boot Candle

Two things sold in this picture. The vintage Christmas tree stand and the upholstery fabric quilt. Some of the fabrics seemed to be newer, so I believe the quilt was made in the 1980’s-90’s. It was left over at one of our estate sales. I don’t know why no one bought it, though. I liked it. Has a subdued Bohemian vibe going on.

Upholstery Fabric Quilt and Vintage Christmas Tree Stand

Upholstery Fabric Quilt
Vintage Christmas Tree Stand

This panther planter had a hair-line crack. I’m thinking he came from that same estate.

Aqua Panther Planter

Aqua Panther Planter
(What a steal!)

Old glass ice bucket. Fairly common.

Old Glass Ice Bucket

Old Glass Ice Bucket

You can’t tell a lot about this old chair. It’s the kind that had a busted out cane seat. I dropped a fiber planter basket in there during the summer. The chair didn’t sell. So when this table needed some height on it, I stuck it up there and bingo. I believe in elevation. It makes things look good. Important. The chair came from my friend Lena’s estate. 

Also sold in this picture was the strand of wood bead (cranberries) garland that was taken from my personal Christmas collection. I think I bought it in the ’80’s.

Planter Chair and Wood Cranberry Garland

Antique Planter Chair
Wood Bead Garland

7 Christmas houses sold. I don’t really want to take the time to show each one, so I’ll just show a shelf of them. They belonged to my stepmother. They were just inexpensive houses from Wal-Mart. Somehow my phone’s camera got stuck on wide angle or something. Makes the picture look weird.

Christmas Houses

7 Christmas Houses
$59.00 total

I had this bowl and pitcher in the booth in Childersburg for a few months with no takers. It sold in less than a month at Angel’s. I might have had it priced too low, but it apparently wasn’t low enough for Childersburg. It came from that same estate.

White Bowl and Pitcher

White Bowl and Pitcher

Three Southern Living cookbooks from my mom’s. Or maybe they were mine? We both had them and I no longer want them, so they could have been either of ours.

Southern Living Cookbooks

3 Southern Living Cookbooks
$12.00 total ($4.00@)

European blown glass, golf playing Santa. Most of the Christmas decorations sold after Christmas. This was one.

Blown Glass Santa Playing Golf

Blown Glass Golf Playing Santa

This little house ornament. I don’t believe there was any age to it and it was probably just one that was bought at Wal-Mart or somewhere.


Blown Glass House Ornament

Blown Glass House Ornament

I loved this large, sepia-toned religious print. It was left over at one of our estate sales. I couldn’t believe no one bought it there!

The glass has reflections of me and everything else behind me!

Old Sepia Toned Religious Print

Sepia Toned Religious Print

Also sold:  
Leopard print belt — $8.00 and 6 cans of paint.

Our total sales were $1090.76. Rent for those two booths is $575.00. It’s difficult to say how much the items cost, what with the paint and the table and benches. 

I’m excited, I think, to say that we’re moving our booth in March! The rent will be $100 less. The booth we’re in at the moment is in a very good location where people coming around the corner look straight at us. The booth we’re moving to is on the back wall, which would seem to be not as good, but it’s right next to “The Nut Man”, the guy who sells candied nuts and popcorn. People are drawn by the aroma and are always gathered around there — but he’s only there heating up nuts and causing the smell of cinnamon and popcorn to waft through the air Thursday-Sunday. The booth is also across from a fabulously decorated booth. I’ll really have to step up my game to get people to notice me over that one. A previous renter in the booth we’re moving to did really well but her booth was always beautifully decked out and she promoted the stew out of it. She was so popular, she moved on to open up her own shop. I hope this move is not a mistake for us. I believe with us buying a house in the area, and no longer being 75 miles away, I’ll be able to devote more time to decorating it and not always being in a rush when I’m there.

The mall is Angel’s Antique Mall in Opelika, Alabama. As of this writing, we’re in D24-26.


Vintage and Antique Booth Sales Report for December 2017

1 thought on “December Booth Sales Report 2017

  1. I have always thought it would be fun to buy and sell. Right now I just buy. LOL
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