It’s been awhile since I’ve had anything exciting to talk about. No really great sales, just not much going on, but last Saturday turned out to be worth the wait. I got out Friday morning early and circled the same 5 yard sales waiting for someone to open up. Nearly 2 hours I rode. Finally, two of them started putting things out. Finding nothing, I got bored and went home. Fearing Saturday would be the same, I didn’t bother to get up at the crack o’ dawn. I didn’t get out until after 8:00! You’d think all the good stuff would have been gone by then. Perhaps the biggest competition stayed in that day. Who knows? Here’s how it all went down:
1st sale:
Eh. Not a great start. I actually bought John Wayne for the glass globe.
Sale #2:
A lot better:
I’m in love with Boo-Boo Head Doggie. He’s made out of Syrocco and is in pitiful condition. The busts were made in Italy. I’m thinking I’ll paint the wicker angelfish.
Sale #3
No, that’s not a mistake. It was a big, fat nothing of a sale.
Sale #4:
Who could resist a pile of green handle man tools? Apparently I was the only one they spoke to. Maybe that’s why I don’t sell tons in the booth. Nobody around here gets it. But you do… don’t you??
I was actually pretty content with the days finds, but there was one more, about 40 miles away that I couldn’t resist. It was advertised as a barn sale with woodworking materials, upholstery fabric and junk. I was afraid I wouldn’t have enough money, so deliberately didn’t try to get there early. Made it there about 11:00. Sixty seconds later I was so excited I ’bout wet my pants. Or maybe I did, but was too excited to notice. I thought about taking pictures but my cell phone had picked that day to go crazy. There was so much, I didn’t know which way to turn. And other people were there getting stuff I’d have liked to have! Nooooo!!! Turned out the sellers just wanted us to make a pile and they’d price it. And the price turned out to be very affordable. Wanna see what I came home with?
(One of the first things I spotted was a 6′ silver aluminum Christmas tree in it’s box. I got it, but didn’t take a picture.)
I’m keeping the doorknobs and the aforementioned tree.
That’s barkcloth on the bottom. The brown and black is zodiac upholstery fabric.
There’s more of this fabric than I can tote.
Musty smelling trim.
Old Christmas tree stand.
Another old Christmas tree stand, but I’m a little sad that that’s rust and not dirt.
I actually got two lamps. The other is drying out. It was naaaaaasty.
That was all in the cab of the truck. The bed was filled up with this:
Let’s see. There are 2 mid century chairs that I want to put some funky fabric on, a newel post, a small rolling stand with no top, two metal trays, a tall turquoise rolling cart, a tin panel, a tall stainless steel rolling cart, a little vanity chair, a turquoise seat stool, a record player stand and two beach chair frames.
There was actually more stuff, but it was boring. Woodworking trim, stuff like that. Ricky and I went back a couple of days later and he loaded up on tools. I got some more things we didn’t have room for in the truck and will go back for them next week.
And how much money did I spend the day? Under $100. Do I win the prize for the best bargains?
Boy do I get the green man tools. The bark cloth is wonderful too. I have two estate sales on Saturday, hope I get something. I bought a piece of a carousel ride today. A double headed ram.
I am as green as those tool handles with envy! You did have a great day!
you did good girl
i love the christmas tree stands
OK…I got “dibs” on some of that great bark cloth…just sayin’!!!! Lucky Ducky…great finds. tiff
Fantastic! You go girl.
wow…what a haul! I know you will be keeping the bark cloth, so I will not even ask đŸ™‚