We’re redecorating the booth and sharing in hopes that you might get some vintage booth display ideas! We’re trying to sort of niche down to a certain, admittedly girly, aesthetic. My daughter is stepping up more, putting more in the booth, and, in truth, she’s saying, “This is what we need to do” and I’m absolutely fine with that! Sooooo appreciative! I have never been all that great with merchandising the booth and frankly, after 25 years, I’m tired and have no new ideas. She has a great eye for display. Check out her beautiful Instagram feed @erins_vintagetreasures
Here’s what it currently looks like. (Actually, at the time of this writing, just a few days after we rearranged, a lot of things have sold, so it doesn’t exactly look this way anymore.)

The little bench sold the day after we took it in. Also sold within the week was the basket hanging on the wall, the metal angel wings, the wicker vase on the table and the architectural piece behind the table.

Sold within the week in the above picture was that precious, little girl picture. And a few days later, the courting couple print.

Can you tell that’s a yellow Poppy sprinkler sitting on the box? It sold in about two weeks as well as an old hand rake that you absolutely cannot see here.

Erin painted and distressed the blue box and applied the molded flowers on the front as well as the coffee table it’s sitting on.

Things sold within the week in this picture are the crock on the floor that I sold too cheaply and really wish I’d kept because I liked it, and the cup hook thing inside the metal planter.

Ah! Here’s a better picture of the sprinkler! Still can’t see the rake, though.
I’ll try to get back the first of next month with a “What Sold” report.
Here’s a quick video of the whole booth. Sorry, not sorry, that it’s not a talkie. I was going to narrate and quickly gave up. And it’s only about 3 minutes long.
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