Years ago, it had to be at least 15 years, my mother and I were at a yard sale where I spotted this iron beauty in the basement. (Maybe not iron, but it weighs a TON!) It was $4.00. I knew I had to have it. Why was it so cheap? The husband of the house was tired of moving it around from one spot to another and wanted it gone. Other than it being a place to organize index cards, Momma didn’t see the attraction. Said, I don’t know why you want that ol’ thing. She and I had wildly different taste.
I paid my $4.00 and the kind man carried it to the car. Said it was much too heavy for us. I protested but, oh my, he was right. My husband had to take it into the house for me, and since he was a Grumpy Gus about it, I had to find a spot for it immediately. It found a home in the pantry and held recipe cards for years. The only problem was that it was really too big for the little chest it sat on. It fit front and sides and hung off the back. But there it stayed. I admired it every time I looked at it. Then one day, we turned the pantry into more of a built in pantry complete with granite counter tops. No more free standing chests. The cabinet was still too big and instead of hanging off the back, it now hung off the front, so it had to find a new home. It was moved next to my computer area that was a hot mess at that time. Actually, not a hot mess. Just more of a real, big, cluttered mess. And that’s where it stayed for a few more years.
A couple of years ago, it occurred to me that it would make the perfect chair side table and I had just the spot for it. But gosh darn it! It just wasn’t tall enough.
Pooh. That won’t do. I asked hubby to make a base for it. I had these metal legs… But he was always too busy. So to raise it up I tried sitting it on top of a drawer.
Yuck! Horrors! What to do? What to do??
Yeah. That’s better. NOT! But it stayed that way through TWO Christmases plus some months before the first and after the last. And I hang my head in shame when I admit people saw it.
Finally… Finally, hubby cut a board for the base. A couple of months later I painted said board along with the legs. And a couple of months after that… it’s finished! Yeah. We don’t get in a hurry around here. I smoothed and distressed the board edges and we added the little feet.
I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that the little cabinet finally has the base it deserves. (And I won’t tell you that I wasn’t being artsy cutting the chair in half in the photos, but was cutting out the pile of stuff in the chair and on the floor. Oops. I just did, didn’t I?)
I’m still mulling over what to put on the top. Of course, given my track record this arrangement will stay for a good long while. And I guess that’s Okay.
Someday we’re getting rid of that carpet. It’s the only room in the house that isn’t hardwood and never was. It was sub flooring with tile on top. The epitome of 1950’s bonus room decor. But it’s had carpet since before we moved in. We’ve changed it three or four times ourselves. It’s past time to do something about it, but the money always seems better spent on other things. Like car repairs. 🙁
Partying here:

What a unique piece. The legs look great, like they have always been there. I’m visiting from Make it Pretty Monday.
That is an awesome piece! Great rescue!!
That is an awesome piece! Great rescue!!
The cabinet looks great!
The cabinet looks great!
Looks great!
Looks great!
Thanks, y’all. I sure am enjoying it! Doesn’t take much to make me happy. 🙂
Thanks, y’all. I sure am enjoying it! Doesn’t take much to make me happy. 🙂
Love the legs – love the cabinet. I’m too impatient to have waited that long, but it looks great now.
Love the legs – looks great
Love the legs – looks great
I Love how you repurposed this chest! What a great piece and a really smart use with fitting legs onto it. They fit perfectly. Looking forward to browsing more special finds from your site.
love it
love it
Wow that looks great!
Wow that looks great!
Turned out adorable! I can understand why you held onto it…just beautiful and unique!! Thank you for sharing at Give Me The Goods!
Dimples & Pig Tales