Okay. So. Let’s talk flower frogs today. I was researching a…. thing…. trying to determine if it is or isn’t a flower frog, we’ll talk about that later, and realized there needs to be a short conversation of clarification of just what is and is not a flower frog.
First, the basic definition of a flower frog is flower arranger. Flower stem holder. Something that goes in the bottom of a vase and has holes or pins or slits for the flower stems to sit in. This keeps them somewhat in position. (Only not if I’m the one doing the arranging. Definitely not one of my talents.) They come in quite a few shapes, sizes and materials. Glass is probably the most common. You’ll see these everywhere. Clear, heavy glass with holes. Some people mistakenly call these pencil holders or even candle holders. On the same line as these, are pottery frogs. They’re usually the same basic, round shapes with holes. Another style is metal with sharp pins sticking up. Think of a tiny bed of nails. There are “cages.” These can be metal or plastic. And last, is the more novelty flower frogs. Let’s take a look at some examples of flower frogs. These are some that I either own or have had and sold.
Cage Flower Frogs

As you can see, cage flower frogs come in all shapes and sizes. These particular ones are metal, but they can be plastic. I sold this group on Etsy back in 2015 for $42.00.
Spike Flower Frogs

Look at the different shapes of these spike flower frogs. And this is just a tee-niny sample of the different shapes they come in! These sold in my Etsy shop in 2014 for $35.00. And the ones below in 2021 for $35.00.

Novelty and Figural Flower Frogs

This type is probably my favorite. From my personal collection. This particular bird flower frog was made in Japan. See the little holes?

Again, from my personal collection. I don’t know what you’d call this style.
The next one, sort of along the same lines, being as it’s wire, may or may not be a flower frog, but for some reason, I think it is. I’ve had it…. goodness! 15-20 years or so! Perhaps research back then told me that it was a frog.

Pottery Flower Frogs
Pottery flower frogs can be, along with some novelty and figural frogs, the most expensive and most desirable. Different pottery companies made them. Weller, Roseville, Hull, McCoy….. Some were plain like the one below made by Weller.

Some were similar to the bird above only with dancing ladies or fish or what have you.
Some were like a pottery ball with holes in them like below:

I have no recollection of this Gordy flower frog vase but it was in my photos from 2011. How could I forget this beauty?! It’s not even in my inventory list, but that’s definitely a picture I took.
Glass Flower Frogs

Glass flower frogs are usually clear glass. This one happens to be Depression Glass in the marigold color. It’s in terrible condition as you can see, but it found a way into my personal collection. I tend to take in the broken.
These Are NOT Flower Frogs!!
So, what’s NOT a flower frog? These. These are not, but I see them on eBay and elsewhere all the time listed as such:

These are plastic carpet protectors. They also come in round. They were put under furniture legs with the pointy side down to keep from flattening the carpet. They were only somewhat effective. Either the people who try to sell these as flower frogs are too young to remember or maybe their parents or grandparents didn’t use them. They just don’t know any better. I hope.
Is This A Flower Frog Or Is It Not?

So, we get to the item that started all this. I bought it with a bunch of other frogs at an estate sale. Who knows if the previous owner stored it with the other frogs or if the estate handlers put it with them? I tend to think it’s some kind of flower frog and belonged with the others. The color screams “floral” to me. It’s plastic, 3-1/2″ in diameter, and you would only be able to use short stems. If you’ve ever seen this and know what it is, frog or something else entirely, I sure would appreciate your letting me know!

So there’s my quick lesson on what is and isn’t a flower frog. I hope it has helped someone, anyone, out there. Maybe it has answered a question or cleared up a misconception. And do a Google image search or search eBay or Etsy. If they weren’t already, your eyes will be opened to the wonders of collectible flower frogs! (And you’re guaranteed to see a few carpet protectors.)