Okay. In the newsletter our mall sends out every month, they said over 16,000 items were sold and there were 4200 invoices for the month of October making it their third best October ever. I did notice they did not mention a dollar amount. They usually do. Hmmmm…..
So how much did our booth contribute to that? Not a whole heck of a lot. I mean, I guess my sales were as good as could be expected considering we have precious little furniture in there to run up the sales total. If we had a small booth, the sales total would be fine. Not great, but okay. But we don’t. We have a large, double booth to accommodate those big ol’ farm tables and other large pieces Ricky builds. Problem is, there is no big ol’ farm table in there, nor has there been in several months. Gosh! I’ll be glad to get back to a normal routine!!
Here’s what sold:
This small chest from my Dad’s. Probably from the 1980’s. It sold before I could even tag it.
Small Chest
My drift into new, craft items. A Cocker Spaniel stamp.
Cocker Spaniel Stamp
I knocked this over on a concrete floor (the same floor that broke the egg salt shaker in this video) and put a tiny nick in the neck lip. It was so miniscule, more like a scuff than anything, I had a hard time finding it, so decided, rather than trying to sell it online and describing something so minor, which makes it sound major, I’d put it in a booth. Tried it in a local booth I was sharing with a friend (I’m no longer there.). It sat for 2 or 3 months. Put it in Angel’s and it sold within a week.
Amber Hobnail Decanter
I’m such an idiot. These two blow molds did not have their lights and the pumpkin in front was a bit faded. So I priced them at $10 each. Sigh. No surprise, they sold the next day. I think I paid $3.00 apiece for them.
The Halloween cats were not vintage. I don’t remember if I bought them at a sale somewhere or if they were a gift.
Halloween Blow Molds
$10.00 each
Halloween Cats
Proof that things do sell off the floor. Sometimes.
Paula Deen Cookbook
“I’m such an idiot” #2. I priced this low boy – is that what it’s called? – at $125.00, forgetting someone would probably take the 10% discount. So not only was $125 probably too little, $112.50 added insult to injury. But it came from my dad’s so cost me nothing. And had it been priced higher, it might still be in the booth. Fast nickel on this one.
Also sold were two of the French horns. And here’s “I’m such an idiot” #3. One sold for $12.00, the other for $4.00. Four dollars??? What?? How did that happen?? Was it supposed to be $14 and the cashier missed the 1? Nope. I put the wrong tag on it. I put a tag I had written for a little brass incense burner that I decided not to even sell in the booth on that French horn. Grrrrrr.
Low Boy
French Horns
$12.00 and $4.00
Another item from my parents’.
Pyrex Butterprint Bowl
This little tin kerosene lamp I showed in this video.
Tin Kerosene Lamp
Pink glass leaf that I talked about in this haul video.
Pink Glass Leaf
This sweet, little sugar bowl wasn’t bought at one of our estate sales for $1.00 or less. Can’t remember exactly. What’s wrong with people?! It was kinda dirty and outside under the carport instead of being in the dining room with the good stuff. Guess they thought something was wrong with it.
It has Japanese characters on the bottom and I was never able to determine who made it nor the pattern. Not that it mattered. It was blue and white and it was pretty. That’s all that matters sometimes.
Blue and White Sugar Bowl
A vintage drying rack/towel holder that I’ve had probably 19 years. I remember using it a booth for display about that long ago and someone wanting to buy it, but I did not want to sell at that time. It finally became time.
Now. That green flower casserole? The one that makes you think it’s Pyrex? Yeah. No. It’s not. It’s….. I don’t remember… Glasbake? Maybe? And has very little value. It’s what’s known as a SARA. Don’t know what a SARA is? I didn’t until recently. It means Smash And Run Away. Let’s insert “I’m such an idiot #4” here. I had to buy an incomplete stack of Correlle dishes just to get this casserole. Now I forget how much I had to pay. $10? $15?? Surely not! Anyway, I managed to sell the dishes at a yard sale for a few bucks and hoped someone would like this casserole simply because it’s cute. I guess someone did. I don’t want to think they were duped like I was.
Drying Rack
$26.10 (Originally priced $29 and they took the 10% discount.)
Green Flower Casserole
Also sold 3 cans of paint, an unframed mirror, and an old, grungy baby doll head.
Having to pay rent this month. I hate that!! It’s upsetting to pay for the privilege of “giving” your things away. That’s not why I’m in this business.
You didn’t do bad at all! Sad about the pretty Pyrex dish that’s not Pyrex, but Glasbake. Oh well, someone will come along b/c it’s a pretty dish. What a bummer about the French horns! Love the drying rack, although I’m not quite sure how it works. Looks pretty cool though.
I had to laugh at the french horn mis-marked story. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s done that.
I also understand all too well about what you’re saying about having to pay rent – it drives me nuts to work so hard to sell stuff and still have to write a rent check. Fortunately that hasn’t happened too often.
[…] the French horn pricing snafu from last month? There was one left and it sold in […]
Sorry you didn’t make more but you sold some great stuff! Better luck next month.