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What a surreal week

Wow. This week was… well… it was a strange and sad one. It started out pretty much like any week. I had a big mess going. I’d cleaned out the sewing bedroom and had the living room full of boxes of sewing paraphernalia to price and sell. We’re talking big storage tubs full of fabric, sewing magazines, linens, etc. There was a path through them. But before I even got started my dad called and said my step mom had fallen again and they thought her hip was broken.

My 92 year old step mom slipped and fell back in October and broke her right femur very close to her hip. She was in the hospital a month and was released to put full weight on it last Friday. She had done remarkably well. They went for a routine checkup on Monday and stopped to talk to the receptionist on the way out. I guess basically when she turned to leave, her body turned but not her feet and she went down. Broke the right leg almost exactly the way she’d broken the left leg. We were dreading for her the long ordeal of healing. But God had a different plan. Thursday morning he eased her into Heaven.

It’s been a whirlwind of arrangements, people and food since then. We had the funeral today. We’ll miss her terribly, especially my dad. They’d been together 13 years. Great companions. So, if you feel inclined, I know he’d covet a quick prayer.



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