Yes, we made a trip to Dothan, Alabama and saw the big, waving peanut. Last weekend was Tiffany’s birthday weekend and her husband graciously paid for a hotel room for her, Melanie and me. (He was relieved to get off that easy, preferring to go hunting over antiquing. Can you imagine?!)
We left early Friday morning and as soon as we hit Dothan we started the rounds of shops and antique malls. Some were great, some were, well, not so great. But we had a blast. Saturday morning, found us at the flea market with the chickens, puppies, men with junk, women with more junk. I think Melanie made the only purchase, but darn if I can remember what it was.
So when we pulled up to the flea market, we’re face to face with the giant, waving, peanut. The arm actually waves. Does the beauty pageant girl wave. The conversation went like this:
Tiff: We’ve got to get our picture made in front of the big peanut!
Mel and me: Hahaha… No, we’re not.
Tiff: Yes! We HAVE to!
Mel and me: No. We don’t.
Tiff: Yes. We are.
Mel and me: No! Please no!
Tiff: Yes.
Mel and me: But we don’t want to have our picture made in front of the Big Peanut!
Tiff gritting her teeth: We’re gettin’ our picture made in front of the d**mn peanut!!
Here we are:
Melanie, Tiffany and chubby, little me.
I did come home with a few things from the shops and malls.
An old framed tile that is now on a kitchen wall.
This Yale lock that I hung my meager skeleton key collection on. Don’t you think I need a little picture to sit on top?
That big, old, ledger. I don’t think I got the color right in the picture. Playing with the settings on my new camera.
You know that the Big Waving Peanut was too cute and it is a “legend” among Flea Markets! We will look back at this photo one day and remember the fun that we had…as long as you “flea with me”, there will be party pics! Love ya, my dear little friend, tiff
Haha! Funny old peanut man!