I promised myself at the first of the year that I’d blog at least once a week. My how fast those weeks go by! A couple of days ago I started thinking about what I could blog about this week and…. I got nuthin’. So I’m here just to say hi.
There are still what seems like an endless amount of boxes of fabric and sewing things in the living room. I have priced the things in a couple of the boxes, but keep getting interrupted. Our son and his little family are coming up in a month and I’ve got a long way to go to get the house ready. Ready=clean and not so hoarder-ish looking. It’s time to update the booths with a spring look. Hubby started having trouble with his back 6 weeks ago. Turned out to be a couple of vertebra locked up and a pinched nerve. Furniture production has been at a snail’s pace and is desperately needed to replace furniture that has sold in the booths.
Our lives are very busy, but mundane. See ya next week, hopefully with something interesting to show!