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Country Living Fair Report pt. 1

Yes, we went! Tiffany, Melanie, my daughter Erin and I. We took off to beautiful Stone Mountain, Georgia and ogled the goods at the Country Living Fair! Two whole days of walking, ooo-ing and ahh-ing and even some buying. And walking. Did I mention we walked a lot?

We were there shortly after opening on Friday morning. It was so crowded, it began to get on my nerves. It’s annoying to have to watch out for people stepping on you instead of getting to really see all the goods offered. I didn’t take many pictures. I was just too overwhelmed. (I seem to get overwhelmed quite easily! Never noticed that until just now.) Tiffany took 5 million pics. Her report will, I’m sure, be a lot more interesting. Especially since she got a picture of The Cowboy.

So the first place we stopped was the Earth Angel tent. The first booth I stopped at in there was the booth I kept going back to all throughout the weekend. I was mesmerized by the altered art collages. Swoon! Here are some pictures I took there.

I don’t want this all to be hideously long and boring, so I’ll only post a few pics each day.

So what else is new? Nothing more has happened in the craft room studio. Waiting on my “lectrisherman” husband to hang the lights and get the plugs hot. Also waiting on him to help move a piece of furniture from the shop to home. I have started a serious fall clean-out though. Worked all day yesterday on one wall in our bedroom. The wall with my closet. Now it’s on to the wall with the chest of drawers that holds said lectrisherman’s undies and socks. But I’m off to work in a few minutes. Sigh. Time and no money, or money and no time. Or, if you’re like I’ve always been, no money and no time.


3 thoughts on “Country Living Fair Report pt. 1

  1. Nice place to hang around, isn’t it?!
    My husband and I try to get things for our home, but he is “modern” im country,…conclusion WE NEVER GET ANYTHING! hahahah

  2. I wanted to go but my kiddo is just taking all my money for college so we decided not to go and it will surely be there in two or three years I hope. Do post more pics.

  3. I was so sad that I had to miss it this year! I’m glad you and Tiffany got to go so I can enjoy it vicariously!! Made a quick trip to Sylacauga last week- we were disappointed that Pickle Patch was closed on Monday! We have a new venture on the horizon….Angel’s!

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