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Angels Among Us

Angels among us……..

Yes, I believe they are, but this post is all about the Christmas angels on the mantle.

Vintage Christmas angel collection

Vintage Christmas Angel Collection

Vintage Christmas Angel Collection

Vintage Christmas Angel Collection






Can somebody tell me where this year has gone? Fall, even. I’m so darn far behind, I’m not sure I’ll ever see daylight! And what a mess! Ugh. The back of the shop belongs on an episode of Hoarders. It looks that bad. Really. I get in a hurry and just throw something in the general area instead of taking the time to find a place for it thinking when I have a little more time I’ll straighten it up, but more things get piled on top of that until it’s a mountain and a very daunting task. The house was threatening to look the same way with all the Christmas boxes pulled out. No, not all. Half. I’m working through all that and you can walk through now, but I have very few Christmas displays complete. I know all of you are put together and finished with your decorating and shopping and sitting back, relaxed and enjoying the season. I do envy that. And frankly, I’ve been scared to look at all your blogs. Knowing I’ll be shamed and more frustrated. I know I’ll be inspired, but then frustrated because I can’t seem to get around to doing all those inspiring things.

I plan to bring you more pictures… dare I say…. (deep breath)…. daily? Tiffany’s house is decorated beautifully. I haven’t seen Melanie’s, but know it’s great. I’m going over there tonight and will try to get some pictures. Not sure how they’ll turn out. Mine? I’ll keep plugging away and show pictures as I finish.

1 thought on “Angels Among Us

  1. I love the Howard Holt angels….too precious!
    Hope you are doing well đŸ˜€


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