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Regretfully letting go of summer

It’s never been a secret that summer is my favorite season. I love the weather of spring and fall, but only summer meant lazy, do nothing days in my youth. Apparently that has lasted throughout my lifetime. Here I am with grandchildren and I still don’t want to work in the summer. I did as little as possible this year. Not intentionally, but that’s how it went down. I slacked on the blog, the blog shop, Etsy and the booth. But the memories….. Oh, the memories!

We spent many a day in the pool with three year old Dani and cheered when she learned to jump off the diving board.


Our son, Philip, and our other granddaughter, Sophie came up to stay with us a few days. Sophie is two months younger than Dani. BFFs from birth. They did a little window washing for us.


And had lots of pool time. Dani had a wardrobe malfunction in this pic. Had to do some editing. I think they each wanted the float for themselves. Not thrilled to share. BFF only goes so far. 


I wish Philip and family lived closer. 600 miles is too far! It would be so much fun if Sophie could spend practically every weekend with us like Dani, but sadly, that’s just not how it is. 


Last week I went with daughter Erin, her husband Chris, and Dani to the beach for a few days, getting in our last hoorah. Ricky stayed home and worked, God bless him. He has much better work ethics than I. He realizes we need to actually work to eat! Thank goodness! If we depended on me, we’d be on the streets.


So, we shut the door to summer. There may be a couple more pool days as the days stay hot here in the south, but the nights cooling off makes the water much too cold. At least for me. 

And end of summer leads straight into football! 

This Roll Tide Nonna is the minority in my Auburn loving family. 


Dani lives just a few miles from the Auburn stadium. Sophie is much too far away. Hoping she’ll get to come up and go to a game this season, too.

(End gratuitous grandchildren pictures. Thanks for indulging me.)

So. Let’s get this autumn show on the road! I truly have to get back to work. And before you know it, we’ll be scrambling around with Christmas activities. 


2 thoughts on “Regretfully letting go of summer

  1. Oh the grandchildren photos! I don’t mind those at all. I identify with you on summer…they were always “lazy hazy & crazy” in my youth. I have missed your blog posts though, so glad to see you back in action.

  2. Work comes and goes, but the memories last a lifetime. Looks like you had a great time.

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