1970s fabric, a rainbow fabric panel in the style of Hiroshi Awatsuji’s design called Spectrum. Actually, it appears identical to the Awatsuji design, but it seems he designed for Fujie Textile Company and this one is International Printworks. So, while I believe it is, I’ll make no claim that this is his actual design. The rainbow has colors of red, orange, yellow, green, teal, navy, and purple. It is on a lighter weight, canvas-like fabric and is 48″ wide and 32″ high.
I did run it through the wash simply to freshen it because it had been stored for so many years. As I was pressing it, I spotted some very small, light stains in the background area that I did not try to remove. Please see the photo of the one that the camera would actually pick up. It is about 1/4″ in size and a little more than 6″ up from the bottom, left edge.
The selvage edge reads: INTERNATIONAL PRINTWORKS, INC. FEB. 1978
It can be framed, stretched on canvas stretchers or hung as is. Or even incorporated in something else entirely, like a quilt.