While we were doing a baby sitting gig, or what I call “Dani Duty”, last Friday, I shot a couple of pictures of wall vignettes on this baby’s wall. But first — this baby. Our first granddarling.
OK. So I got the gratuitous grandchild picture out of the way. She’s a little over two months old here and getting ready to go swimming. She got her feet wet and said Nope. Not having any part of that and get this thing off my head! (That thing is a hat, not a doily.)
Her nursery is done in doggies and there are a couple of shelves above the changing table that I think are so sweet!
The Scottie in the frame is cut from the wall paper that is on one end of the room. Yup. There’s no picture of that. Because I always forget something. The shelf is one that my mother picked up at a yard sale or an auction nearly 40 years ago. She was going to sell it in her yard sale, but I grabbed it and used it in my house for years. My children grew up with it, but it was stained wood then. Erin painted and distressed it. We’ll have to make sure Dani keeps it and hands it down to her daughter.
Sitting next to and above that shelf is this one. (Silly me. Didn’t think to get a picture of them together.)
Another framed, wall paper dog, some crocheted baby booties I found at an estate sale and a chalk Scottie Erin picked up at a sale. The oval frame, I believe, is one I found at a yard sale.
Isn’t this vintage baby puzzle adorable? And how perfect!
Erin picked up this little metal holder thingy… maybe it’s a soap holder? Or something? Whatever it is, she knew the moment she saw it that it belonged in the nursery.
Thank you for allowing me a little granddarling time. Hope you enjoyed the vignettes!