Yay! The first official project of the new craft room/studio, a dog tag and charms necklace, has been thunk up and finished! The room isn’t – finished – but I did move a table in there with a lamp so I could start using it. Still waiting for lighting and a furniture piece and some cabinets.
There must have been a company promoting dog tags to grammar schools in the 1960’s. I’m sure it wasn’t just my school. They weren’t the cool dog tags like our GI’s fighting over in Vietnam had. Ours were… well, they looked like this:
I remember being disappointed it wasn’t like a real dog tag, but still excited to have it. With my name on it and everything. I ran across it the other day and thought it might be cool to add some charms and actually wear it again. It was probably worn for about a month before living the rest of it’s life in my jewelry box. There were some random charms at hand and these were pulled out:
With the result being this:
Do you have one of these dog tags? Or perhaps your mother has one? Why not pull it out and put some charms with it, too? I think it’ll be fun to wear.