From the creative minds of Melanie and Wanda comes Cabbage Bowl Bunny!
No doubt most of you have seen the 2011 issue of Flea Market Style by now. One of the first projects featured were these baseball skin flowers, created by Sara Smith (photography by Heather Bullard):
Adorable, right? I was so excited and… I had the baseballs already! Couldn’t wait to make these cute flowers! So I cut the skins off the balls… Ummm… How can I word that differently? OK. I’ll try it again. I cut the skins off the BASEBALLS. Let me say that a good, sharp pair of utility scissors works best. Don’t use a seam ripper. It’ll break. And old, dull scissors take a long, long time. But I’m just guessing here, you understand. Don’t you? I mean, I wouldn’t have actually tried either of those things. Nope. Not me. I’d know better! Yep. I would. Ahem.
I was a little disappointed in what I was ending up with. Not only were they going to be gargantuan:
But I couldn’t get the darn things to lie flat enough to look right!
They were just looking like a pile of baseball skins to me. Now, I’m not knocking the flowers. I think they’re cute as they can be. But for me, I’d rather have something smaller. And I didn’t think I’d be able to make them look as good as the ones in the magazine. Coz I’m not talented like that.
Annoyed with myself, I showed Melanie. We were just sitting there chatting and she took the skins and sort of made a bowl. Then the idea was born. Don’t ‘cha love it when that happens? I glued them together, put some grass inside and a purple bunny and here’s the result:
Or maybe it can sit on a spring: